junior, senior years

On campus learning,

Full Time,

primary, secondary

The total service fee for this program:

€ 199

Pre payment for this program:

€ 99

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Studying in junior, senior years at Repton School in Dubai:

The Junior School at Repton Dubai is structured with:

  • A Foundation Department (Nursery and Reception)
  • Infant Department (Years 1 and 2)
  • Pre-Prep Department (Years 3 and 4)
  • Prep Department (Years 5 and 6)

Repton is a world class school and enjoys a well-earned reputation for academic excellence. Repton school has strong traditions, and students achieve the highest academic standards at age 11, but this is only one aspect of the school. They encourage students to approach the world with curiosity and creativity, to express their views and feelings, and to develop a real love for learning. At Repton, they are truly committed to ensuring each and every child receives a personalised educational journey that affords them the opportunity to fulfil all their ambitions and passions, as well as allowing them to excel academically.

Repton children are expected to work hard and this extends out of normal school hours. Regular homework is set to support and extend the children’s learning, moreover, it begins to install self-discipline and independent study both vital as the children progress through the school. Based on honest, careful evaluation of a child’s capabilities, the teacher will ask parents to support a child’s learning at home. At Repton, through a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities, children are encouraged to develop their talents wherever they may lie. Their range of activities encompass all the major sports and Repton teams compete regularly at all levels.

Senior School:

  • International Baccalaureate\ IB Career-related Programme

The International Baccalaureate is intellectually rigorous, demanding that pupils not only attain high academic standards but also that students fully participate in out of class activities through the Creativity Activity Service (CAS) aspect of the Diploma. In addition, students study a course in the Theory of Knowledge [TOK] and complete a 4000 word Extended Essay. Through these courses pupils develop the knowledge of how to learn and positively challenge their perspectives of the world from a variety of differing viewpoints.

  • GCE Advanced Level (A level)

In addition to the robust IB program and the various pathways available through this curriculum, Repton is excited to announce the introduction of the ‘GCE Advanced level’ option, more commonly known as ‘A’ levels.


Necessary information:

  • Degree awarded by: Repton School in Dubai
  • Admission criteria: latest school report
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Format: Full-time
  • Application Fee: 500 AED
  • Tuition fees:
Early Years
Nursery AED 54,449 Reception AED 60,018
Junior School
Year 1 AED 61,547 Year 2 AED 61,547
Year 3 AED 63,548 Year 4 AED 64,057
Year 5 AED 72,328 Year 6 AED 72,328
Senior School
Year 7 AED 77,250 Year 8 AED 80,340
Year 9 AED 82,400 Year 10 AED 90,640
Year 11 AED 90,640 Year 12 AED 97,850
Year 13 AED 97,850



Students study for the prestigious International Baccalaureate qualification, post 16, following either the Diploma or Careers programmes. The latter qualification is available through a BTEC qualification for both Business and Sport. At the senior school, the academic programme is organised into three terms. In Years 7-9 (Grades 6-8), pupils are taught core subjects (Maths, English, Science) in ability groups and non-core subjects in mixed ability groups.

At the end of Year 9 (Grade 8), students choose their IGCSE options and follow these over a two-year period. At the end of Year 11, pupils are awarded their IGCSE certificates and those achieving a minimum of 6 passes at grade 6 are invited to join the sixth form to follow the IB Diploma Programme. For students opting to follow the IB Career-related Programme, a minimum of 5 passes at grade 5 or better are required.

The A level two-year course will allow students to study four subjects, as well as having dedicated time to compete the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). In addition to this students will also attend the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) lessons to allow for a more advanced learning experience blending aspects of the IB and A level system. The A level’s will conclude with examinations and assessments to determine the final grade upon completion of course.


Career opportunity:

The Careers and University Adviser is available to meet with students and parents. He is based in the IB centre and plays a key role in helping students make the right decisions and helps to guide them through the application process. Tutors also play a pivotal role in guiding their students, by supporting them during PSHCE sessions, monitoring individual student progress and ensuring that the students are fully informed regarding events and deadlines.

The EPQ allows students to further develop their knowledge within a particular subject and go beyond the A level syllabus and course content. This allows students to develop lifelong learning skills that prepare them for university and any future employment.  Students will have an element of free choice as to what they research thus allowing them to focus on an area of interest and design their own research title, however they will be carefully supported by a designated member of staff who will meet with them on a regular basis.

Each year students are selected to interview at Oxford and Cambridge, with acceptances on to Law, Engineering and PPE programmes and other notable destinations.


Application Requirements:

  • Along with the Registration Form you will need to submit a copy of your child’s passport and a copy of their latest school report which shows the year group in which they have been studying (if applicable).
  • The school conducts age-appropriate assessments prior to offering your child a place at Repton Dubai. The assessment is an opportunity to get to know your child better.
  • For international applicants who are unable to attend an assessment in person the school can arrange for remote assessments to be completed.
  • The IB Diploma Programme is rigorous and academically challenging. In order to qualify for admission to the Diploma Programme, Repton students will be expected to gain a minimum of 6 IGCSEs at grade 6 or above* Students should also have a first-language English qualification at grade 6 or above and a good pastoral record.
  • For students opting to follow the IB Career-related Programme, a minimum of 5 passes at grade 5 or better are required.


English language requirements:

At Repton, for some of the pupils, English is a second language. In such cases, the school will give pupils every opportunity to reach the level of language required for success, not just at examination level, but also for conversing socially with peers and adults in increasingly demanding contexts.


Deadlines and intakes:

  • School starting: August
  • Start of the term: January, April
  • End of the term: March, July, December



One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request

Expenses (AED)

Tuition (per year)



Application Fee



Program expenses

University & General Expenses

Application Fees: 500 / Once
Student visa: 2,500 - 5,000 / Once
School ID-Card: 50 / Once
School Canteen: 7,500 / Year
School Trips: 10 - 2,700 / Year
Special Needs Support: 10,000 - 30,000 / Year
Student Full Boarding: 66,000 / Year
Student Weekly Boarding: 60,500 / Year
Transport : 6,100 -10,440 / Year
Uniform: 800 - 1,500 / Once
Health insurance: 8,400 / Year


Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)


Set in the heart of Dubai, students have access to one of the most exciting and safest cities.  As a “gateway to the world”, Dubai is less than an 8-hour flight from the majority of Europe, Asia and Africa, making it easily accessible and furthermore, the campus is only 10 minutes away from Dubai international airport. The Boys and Girls Boarding Houses are a home away from home boarders, who enjoy access to the biggest campus in the Middle East and world-class facilities.

The school offers full term boarding as well as more flexible boarding options, such as weekly boarding.

  • Boarding fees are annual and do not include tuition fees.
  • A deposit of AED 50,000 ($13,650) is required for all Boarding pupils. This is refundable when the pupil leaves.
  • Health insurance for full-time students can be provided with an amount of 8400 dirhams.
Year Full Boarding
Sunday to Saturday
Weekly Boarding
Sunday to Thursday
Flexi Boarding
4 days a week
Flexi Boarding
3 days a week
Year 7 to Year 13 AED 66,000 ($18,000) AED 60,500 ($16,500) AED 51,500 ($14,000) AED 42,500 ($11,570)

Support available within boarding includes:

  • Residential and non-residential tutors are available throughout the week to assist pupils with their homework and give them guidance
  • Each House has its own resident Matron, on hand 24 hours a day to care for the pupils’ welfare and practical needs
  • Additional English support is available when required

After Graduation

Each year Repton Dubai students receive offers from their university applications, with typically well over 90% achieving offers from their first-choice destinations.

Upon graduation students accept university places all over the world, including many in the QS World 100 universities including those in the USA, Canada, Europe, Middle East, South Africa, and Australia, however the majority focus upon the Russell Group in the UK.

Each year students are selected to interview at Oxford and Cambridge, with acceptances on to Law, Engineering and PPE programmes.


اطلاعات مربوط به دانشگاه ها ، مدارس یا هر مؤسسه آموزشی ممکن است در هر زمان به هر دلیلی توسط مالکین آنها تغییر کند یا بروزرسانی شود و این ممکن است با اطلاعات وب سایت ApplyMIE.com مغایرت ایجاد نماید. بدینوسیله اعلام میگردد اطلاعات موجود در این وب سایت بروزترین اطلاعات موجود بوده ولی به هر نحو ممکن است مغایرتهایی با سایت های اصلی مراکز و موسسات آموزشی داشته باشد. مسیولیت بررسی نهایی اطلاعات در هر مرحله بعهده کاربر می باشد

Customer Support Service

1 ) If you want to check the admission conditions and programs of various schools, refer to the following link:

2 ) If you need help using our website, click on this link and watch the video guide :

3 ) You can also get a free consultation from our consultants by booking a free online consultation appointment.

1 ) If you want to check the admission conditions and programs of various universities, refer to the following link:

2 ) If you need help using our website, click on this link and watch the video guide :

3 ) You can also get a free consultation from our consultants by booking a free online consultation appointment.






junior, senior years



Repton School Dubai


  • The applicant acknowledges that he/she should read all information such as fees and other items from the university’s main website before paying fees and signing the agreement. The information on the main website of the university may be different from the information entered on the ApplyMIE.com, and MIE will not bear any responsibility if the information is inconsistent with the university main website and is not read by the applicant.
  • If there is a need for correspondence by email, the emails sent by us to the applicant will only be via email with the extension “applymie.com”.
  • Before any payment, the applicant agrees that the service fees paid are non-refundable.
  • All information such as the name must be in accordance with the passport and the person who is a party to the agreement must sign the agreement, and if another person completes and signs the agreement or the information does not match the passport, the agreement will be invalid.
  • For applicants under the age of 18, parents or legal guardian must sign the agreement, and if the applicant under the age of 18 signs the agreement, it is considered as invalid.

One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request




Application Fee



Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)