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EF Academy



United States


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EF Academy, part of the Education First (EF) group founded in 1965 by Bertil Hult in Sweden, has grown from its roots in language travel and cultural exchange to become a global leader in international education. In 2005, EF Academy was launched to meet the increasing demand for rigorous academic programs combined with cultural immersion. The first campus opened in Torbay, UK, marking the beginning of a transformative educational journey for students worldwide.

Expansion continued with the establishment of campuses in Thornwood, New York in 2008 and Oxford, UK in 2014, each offering a blend of traditional and innovative educational approaches. In 2020, EF Academy expanded further with a new campus in Pasadena, California, enhancing its commitment to providing students with a comprehensive preparation for higher education and global citizenship. Today, EF Academy continues to evolve, shaping future leaders through its distinctive blend of academic excellence, cultural diversity, and personal development.


Studying at EF Academy in the USA:

Studying at EF Academy offers a transformative educational experience characterized by rigorous academic programs and a supportive international community. With campuses in the US and UK, EF Academy provides diverse pathways like the IB Diploma and A-Levels, preparing students for top universities globally.

Beyond academics, students engage in enriching extracurricular activities and benefit from personalized support services, including college counseling and English language development. EF Academy fosters cultural understanding and leadership skills, equipping graduates to thrive in a globalized world and pursue their aspirations with confidence.


Campus and facilities at EF Academy in the USA:

EF Academy is an international high school with campuses in the United States and the United Kingdom, offering students from around the world a rigorous academic curriculum and a wide range of extracurricular activities. Here’s an overview of its campuses and facilities:

Campus Features of EF Academy New York

  • Classrooms and Academic Buildings: Modern classrooms equipped with the latest educational technology, science labs, and a library.
  • Dormitories: Comfortable and secure dormitories with residential advisors to support students.
  • Dining Facilities: On-campus dining hall offering a variety of healthy meal options.
  • Sports Facilities: Gymnasium, fitness center, soccer field, basketball courts, tennis courts, and a swimming pool.
  • Arts Facilities: Art studios, music practice rooms, and a theater for performances and events.
  • Common Areas: Student lounges, study areas, and recreational spaces.

Campus Features of EF Academy Pasadena in California

  • Classrooms and Academic Buildings: State-of-the-art classrooms, science and computer labs, and a comprehensive library.
  • Dormitories: Comfortable student housing with support staff.
  • Dining Facilities: Cafeteria providing a range of nutritious meals.
  • Sports Facilities: Sports fields, gymnasium, fitness center, and outdoor recreational areas.
  • Arts Facilities: Art studios, music rooms, and performance spaces.
  • Common Areas: Spaces for students to relax, socialize, and study.

Campus Features of EF Academy Oxford

  • Classrooms and Academic Buildings: Modern classrooms, science labs, computer labs, and a library.
  • Dormitories: On-campus accommodation with pastoral care.
  • Dining Facilities: Dining hall serving a variety of international cuisines.
  • Sports Facilities: Sports hall, fitness suite, and outdoor sports fields.
  • Arts Facilities: Art studios, music practice rooms, and a theater.
  • Common Areas: Student lounges and communal areas for studying and socializing.


Language requirements for applying to EF Academy in the USA:

To apply to EF Academy, prospective students are generally required to demonstrate proficiency in English, as it is the primary language of instruction across all campuses. The specific language requirements may vary depending on the program and campus location.

As part of the application process for international students, the school tests your current proficiency in English across listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills, and conduct a personal interview. This ensures that every student is placed on the appropriate path for achieving success.


Courses offered at EF Academy in the USA:

EF Academy offers a variety of courses designed to provide students with a comprehensive and rigorous academic experience, preparing them for higher education and beyond. The courses include:

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme:

A globally recognized pre-university program that emphasizes critical thinking, research skills, and international-mindedness. It includes subjects such as languages, sciences, mathematics, humanities, and arts.

  • A-Levels (Advanced Level Qualifications):

British qualifications widely accepted by universities worldwide. A-Levels allow students to specialize in subjects of their choice, typically focusing on three to four subjects in depth.

  • Foundation Year Programme:

A preparatory program designed for students who need additional academic support or English language proficiency before beginning the IB Diploma or A-Levels.

  • English Language Preparation:

Courses focused on improving English language skills, essential for non-native English speakers aiming to excel in academic studies.

  • Electives and Enrichment Courses:

Additional courses and activities that enhance students’ learning experience, including arts, music, sports, and leadership development.

Each course at EF Academy is designed to challenge students intellectually, foster personal growth, and equip them with the skills needed to succeed in a global academic environment.


Scholarships offered at EF Academy in the USA:

EF Academy offers several scholarships to support talented and deserving students in pursuing their educational goals. These scholarships are designed to recognize academic achievement, leadership potential, and contributions to the school community. Scholarships may cover tuition fees partially or fully, depending on the scholarship criteria and the financial need of the student.

EF Academy encourages students to inquire about scholarship opportunities during the application process and provides information on specific eligibility requirements and application procedures. These scholarships aim to make EF Academy’s transformative education accessible to students from diverse backgrounds and to foster a community of excellence and opportunity.


EF Academy the USA partnerships:

EF Academy has established strategic partnerships with various educational institutions and organizations worldwide to enhance its educational offerings and provide enriching opportunities for its students. These partnerships include collaborations with universities for academic exchanges, joint programs, and pathways to higher education.

Additionally, EF Academy partners with industry leaders and cultural organizations to offer internships, mentorships, and experiential learning opportunities that complement its academic curriculum. These partnerships contribute to a diverse and dynamic educational environment, preparing students for success in an interconnected global society.


Other expenses:

Campus of New York and Pasadena in California (Ages 13 – 18) grades 9-12:

  • Tuition: $ 69,500/year
  • Student life & activities fees: $4,900/year
  • Enrollment fee: $500
  • Application fee: $200
  • Refundable security deposit: $1000

*Exam fees:

  • IB Diploma: $895
  • IB Certificates: $495

Campus of Oxford (The student age entry to the program is 16, and age on graduation is 19) grades 11-12:

  • Tuition: £49,500/year
  • Student life & activities fees: £3,495/year
  • Enrollment fee: £350
  • Application fee: £150
  • Refundable security deposit: £1,000

Exam fees:

  • IB Diploma: £550
  • IB Certificates: £495


Tuition Includes:

  • Academic support and tutoring
  • University advising
  • English as an additional language support
  • Materials and books
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner (Monday to Friday)
  • Brunch and dinner (Weekends)
  • Shared triple room in dorms*

Student life & activities fees Includes:

  • Domestic fall immersion trip
  • Welcome Days and Orientation
  • Weekend activities & transportation*
  • Laundry card
  • School related apps & tech support
  • Student clubs and athletic activities


  • Note for Rooming: Room upgrades can be requested based on availability, please inquire.
  • Notes for Weekend activities & transportation: Entrance fees and tickets are not included in weekend activities.
  • Student life and activities fee is a mandatory fee for all students. Application and enrollment fees are one-time fees.
  • The refundable security deposit is designed to address any unexpected costs or repairs and will be reimbursed to parents upon the completion of their students’ studies.
  • The exam fee is only for New York and Oxford campuses

Expenses( USD )

Campus of New York and Pasadena in California tuition: 69,500 / Year
Student life & activities fees: 4,900 / Year
Enrollment fee: 500 / Once
Application Fee: 200 / Once
Refundable security deposit: 1,000 / Once
IB Diploma: 895 / Once
IB Certificates: 495 / Once
Campus of Oxford tuition (costs below in pound): 49,500 / Year
Student life & activities fees: 3,495 / Year
Enrollment fee: 350 / Once
Application fee : 150 / Once
Refundable security deposit: 1,000 / Once
IB Diploma: 550 / Once
IB Certificates: 495 / Once


introduction video


EF Academy provides accommodation options that ensure students have a safe, supportive, and enriching living environment during their studies. The accommodation options vary by campus and typically include:

  • On-Campus Dormitories:

Comfortable and secure dormitory facilities located within or near the school campus. Dormitories are supervised by residential staff who provide support and guidance to students.

  • Homestay Programs

Opportunities for students to live with local host families in the surrounding community. Homestays offer cultural immersion and a chance to practice language skills outside of the classroom.

  • Off-Campus Housing

For older students or those seeking more independent living arrangements, EF Academy may provide guidance and support in finding suitable off-campus housing options.

Each accommodation option at EF Academy is designed to meet the diverse needs and preferences of students while promoting a supportive and inclusive community environment. The choice of accommodation can vary based on factors such as campus location, student age, and individual preferences, ensuring that every student has a comfortable and enriching experience during their time at EF Academy.

after graduation

After graduating from EF Academy, students are well-prepared to pursue their aspirations in higher education or embark on their chosen career paths. EF Academy equips graduates with a strong academic foundation, critical thinking skills, and a global perspective that are highly valued by universities and employers worldwide.

Pathways After Graduation:

  • University Admission:

Many EF Academy graduates continue their education at top universities around the world. The rigorous academic programs, including the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma and A-Levels, prepare students for admission to prestigious universities and colleges.

  • Career Opportunities:

Graduates are equipped with skills and knowledge that make them competitive in various career fields. EF Academy’s emphasis on personal development, leadership, and global citizenship prepares students to excel in a diverse and interconnected world.

  • Internships and Experiential Learning

EF Academy supports students in gaining practical experience through internships, mentorships, and community service opportunities during their studies. This experience enhances their resume and prepares them for future career endeavors.

  • Continued Support:

EF Academy provides ongoing support to its alumni through networking opportunities, career counseling, and alumni associations. This network helps graduates stay connected and continue to benefit from EF Academy’s global community.

Overall, graduating from EF Academy opens doors to a world of opportunities, whether students choose to pursue further education, enter the workforce, or engage in meaningful pursuits that contribute to their personal and professional growth.

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1 ) If you want to check the admission conditions and programs of various universities, refer to the following link:

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EF Academy

  • The applicant acknowledges that he/she should read all information such as fees and other items from the university’s main website before paying fees and signing the agreement. The information on the main website of the university may be different from the information entered on the, and MIE will not bear any responsibility if the information is inconsistent with the university main website and is not read by the applicant.
  • If there is a need for correspondence by email, the emails sent by us to the applicant will only be via email with the extension “”.
  • Before any payment, the applicant agrees that the service fees paid are non-refundable.
  • All information such as the name must be in accordance with the passport and the person who is a party to the agreement must sign the agreement, and if another person completes and signs the agreement or the information does not match the passport, the agreement will be invalid.
  • For applicants under the age of 18, parents or legal guardian must sign the agreement, and if the applicant under the age of 18 signs the agreement, it is considered as invalid.
Program Level
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Language Certificate
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