Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons)

3-Year Bachelor's Degree

The total service fee for this program:

€ 499

Pre payment for this program:

€ 99

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Learn how we interact with each other and about the decisions we make. Study the brain and a wide range of phenomena. Acquire knowledge and skills in counselling that can be embedded in a range of situations.


This course allows you to consider ‘big issues’ in contemporary psychology as well as studying pioneering approaches and major thinkers. The specialist counselling modules allow you an added perspective and teaches you how to apply basic skills from the counselling room in real-world settings. 

Choose modules in your second and final year that suit your particular interests, including mental health and illness, addiction and clinical neuropsychology. 

Why us?

  • Accredited by The British Psychological Society
  • You will have graduate basis for chartered membership of the BPS if you achieve at least a second class honours degree
  • The School of Psychology was awarded an Athena Swan Bronze Award in 2021, in recognition of its commitment to supporting and transforming gender equality
  • Our undergraduate Psychology courses are ranked 1st (of 12 institutions, 31 respondents) for Overall Engagement (UKES, 2020)

Course structure

Teaching methods include lectures, seminars, group work and e-learning. We encourage you to develop independent study skills. You will also have opportunities to present ideas to other students and develop concepts within groups. Teaching takes advantage of the University’s specialist psychological and computer laboratories.

As well as assessments that count towards your degree, there are also on-going assessments for feedback and consolidating your learning. Assessment methods include written coursework, projects, presentations and exams.

Year 1 (national level 4):

  • Being a Psychologist (40 credits)

Learn the essential skills needed to study psychology at degree level including academic skills, personal development and research studies. Broaden academic and psychological literacy via a series of research projects and practicals supported by personal tutors.

Connect the twin themes of research methods/statistics and academic development and appreciate how research and statistics are designed, performed and interpreted in light of the complex theories that are created by the researcher with an emphasis on the process of becoming an ethical co-creator of knowledge alongside academic staff.

  • Genes to Mind (20 credits)

Consider the relationship between biology and the human mind. Examine how DNA ultimately gives rise to thinking, conscious and complex human beings. Explore genetics and evolution, as well as the core areas of biological psychology, cognitive psychology and individual differences across topics as diverse as addiction, altruism, and sexuality.

  • Mind to World (20 credits)

Learn the story of how single units of personhood (or ‘minds’) interact with one another and come together to create societies. Focus on the way in which humans communicate with each other and operate in their social world. Explore the core areas of developmental psychology, cognitive psychology and social psychology across topics such as perception, language, interpersonal relationships, emotion, autism, and psychopathy.

  • Introduction to Mental Health (20 credits)

Examine biological, cognitive, and social models of mental illness and mental health. Consider a number of mental health problems including mood disorders (such as depression and anxiety), psychotic disorders (such as schizophrenia), eating disorders, and personality disorders. Analyse behaviours that pose a risk to physical and mental health, including alcohol and drug use, poor diet, and a lack of physical activity. Discuss public health approaches to mental health and wellbeing and how we can aim to improve the mental health of the general population and/or lower risk of mental illness, by considering social networks, social inequality, and happiness.

  • Introduction to Theories and Concepts in Counselling (20 credits)

Gain a broad introduction to counselling. Cover two key elements, the first centring on understanding the central concepts in contemporary practice across the main theoretical approaches, and the second focusing on understanding the three main counselling schools (psychodynamic, humanistic and CBT approaches).

Year 2 (national level 5):

Core modules:

  • Psychological Research Design and Analysis (20 credits)

Work on a number of research projects across core areas of psychology. Develop more advanced skills in research methods, and gain opportunities to have input into research design as you become more skilled. Learn more advanced data analysis skills and apply these in the research projects.

  • Future Selves (20 credits)

Explore your own potential as a lifelong learner and leader. Develop your understanding of the importance of agency and self-advocacy in relation to life and career transitions and how lifelong learning can enhance social inclusion, active citizenship and personal development, but also self-sustainability and employability. 

Use research techniques that include psychometric measures, narrative and storytelling. Undertake volunteering opportunities to provide an additional context in which to consider your lifelong learning and leadership characteristics – and to develop a sense of your future professional self.

  • Cradle to Grave: Integrated Perspectives on Development (20 credits)

Meet a fictional family as you learn about the psychology of the human journey through the lifespan, from parent-offspring conflict in the womb to explanations for ageing and death. Explore topics including attachment, the ‘teenage brain’ and challenges in adolescence, personality development and cognitive change.

  • Twenty-Four, Seven: Everyday Motivations and Biases (20 credits)

Apply social, cognitive and biological psychology to understanding everyday motivations and biases in, for example, perception and memory. Explore topics including vision and sensory perception, social group processes, aggression, eyewitness testimony and eating disorders.

  • Foundations of Embedded Counselling and Listening (20 credits)

Develop basic counselling and listening skills. Practice different skills, watch video demonstrations, see tutor demonstrations and engage in discussions based on experience of practising skills or study of case scenarios.

Optional modules (choose one):

  • Anomalous Psychology: A Critical Introduction (20 credits)

Study the extraordinary phenomena of behaviour and experience, including those labelled as paranormal. Understand and explain, within the context of science, the bizarre experiences people have had and why people believe in anomalous events and the explanations surrounding them. Consider various anomalous experiences (e.g. extra-sensory perception (ESP), psychokinesis, telepathy, hallucinations, hauntings, out of body experiences and near-death experiences, along with astrology and superstition) and various explanations within psychology (e.g. probability, cognitive biases, biological explanations, environmental factors and individual differences).

  • Meet the Relatives: Evolutionary Psychology and Animal Behaviour (20 credits)

Learn about theory and research in evolutionary psychology and animal behaviour and how research on human and non-human animals can be integrated and applied to understanding aspects of contemporary life. Evaluate the extent to which we can learn about human psychology by studying non-human animals, what research on other animals tells us about the idea that humans are special, and the implications of research on animal behaviour for our understanding of the abilities of other animals, and how we treat them. Topics covered on this module may include, health and happiness, mate preferences, mating strategies and parenting, evolutionary approaches to contemporary and popular culture, hormones and behaviour, social organisation and social living and intelligence and cognition.

  • Investigating Complex Issues in Psychology (20 credits)

Work in teams to study the different psychology specialisms including clinical skills, health and wellbeing, counselling and forensic psychology. Draw on your knowledge of psychology generally, and of these different specialisms to apply different perspectives to current, real-world psychological issues in a problem-based learning context. Topics will vary from year to year but may include defining normality and abnormality, the effects of the media on aspects of psychology, the role of comparative research in psychology, gender issues, schizophrenia, and the stability of personality.

  • Assessment, Formulation and Evidence Based Practice (20 credits)

Focus on three core skills of clinical psychology. Learn a range of methods used by psychologists to assess a service user such as psychometric tests, interviews and taking a history. Learn how a clinical psychologist integrates the results of assessments of various methods with different psychological models to develop hypotheses and interventions tailored to the individual service user. Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of practice based on existing evidence through reading systematic reviews, and learn how to design your own research to evaluate the effectiveness of psychological practice.

  • The Psychology of Detection, Interviewing and the Criminal Trial (20 credits)

Investigate how psychology is used in detecting and interviewing suspects, and collecting evidence for conviction, including eyewitness testimony, expert testimony, and confessions. Examine sources of bias in the collection and presentation of forensic evidence, fallibility of eye-witness memory, and how to recognise and decrease the risk of mistakes. Examine the psychology of the courtroom, focusing particularly on jury decision-making. Focus on how different aspects of psychology can be used to understand and enhance the probability of detecting and convicting offenders. Consider forensic scenarios and case studies which will facilitate the application of knowledge and understanding of theories and research from social, cognitive, biological, and developmental psychology, and individual differences.

Final year (national level 6):

  • Empirical Project (40 credits)

Work with a supervisor to apply what you have learned in research methods modules to your own research project. Report your findings in an extensive research report, and present your project in the form of an academic poster at our poster conference.

  • Contemporary Counselling in Context (20 credits)

Critically examine the debates surrounding the provision of counselling in the twenty-first century. Approach a number of contemporary real-world issues from a counselling perspective, including homelessness, eating disorders, alcoholism and domestic violence, for example.

  • Developing Embedded Counselling and Listening Skills (20 credits)

Gain confidence in sustaining longer skills sessions and focus on exploration of issues by the listener. Develop your practice not only by developing discrete skills, but also through developing self-awareness and recognising the impact they have on the listening process.

Optional modules (choose two):

Please note, the full list of optional modules may change from year to year. 

  • Occupational Psychology (20 credits)

Focus on the scope of occupational psychology and its application to work, employees and organisations. Cover topics aligned with the British Psychology Society’s Division of Occupational Psychology such as psychological assessment at work; learning, training, and development; leadership, engagement, and motivation; wellbeing and work.

  • Research to Reality (20 credits)

Engage with, and evaluate, some of the ‘big issues’ at the cutting edge of psychology, including free will, the nature of consciousness, the interface between psychology and politics, and cyber crime. This module will encourage you to look beyond your university experience and to engage with psychological aspects of current culture and society. 

  • Development and Neurodiversity (10 credits)

Learn about the development of our understanding of Neurodiversity and the historical progression of how we have characterised Neurodiverse populations, including Autism Spectrum Conditions and Williams Syndrome, from early diagnostic formulation to current day. Examine biological aspects of Neurodiversity such as brain differences, as well as their relevance to cognition and behaviour. Critically engage with topics of current relevance in Neurodiversity, including relationships, healthcare and education.

  • Environmental Psychology (20 credits)

Gain specialist knowledge of Environmental Psychology, an applied sub-discipline of Psychology which bridges a range of core areas and related disciplines such as architecture, planning, and geography. Cover topics which include the role of the environment in social development and relationships, the relationships between environments, health and wellbeing, place attachment, place identity and the importance of home.

  • Psychology of Addiction (20 credits)

Take an introductory look at the psychology of both substance and non-substance-related addictive behaviours. Examine a variety of addictive behaviours such as alcoholism, addiction to psychoactive drugs, gambling, and sex addiction, as well as theories relating to the development, persistence, control and treatment of addictive behaviours. Link these behaviours to various areas of psychology such as the biological effects of drug use, how cognition plays a role in addictive behaviours and the social implications of addiction.

  • Clinical Neuropsychology (20 credits)

Look at the nature of cognitive and emotional impairments following brain damage in adults. Cover topics including the causes of brain damage in adults, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s Disease, neuropsychological assessment procedures and rehabilitation following brain injury.

  • Health Psychology and Behaviour Change (20 credits)

Examine how psychological concepts, principles and theories can be applied to understand and alleviate problems associated with health and health-related behaviours. Cover topics which include personality, health and illness, sociocultural aspects of health and illness, and stress and health. Focus on psychological interventions aimed at changing health-related behaviours.

  • The Psychology of Serious and Violent Offending (20 credits)

Apply psychology to understanding offenders and a number of common forms of serious and violent offending encountered in forensic settings. Draw on approaches from across the discipline of psychology, applying psychological theory and research to aspects of serious and violent offending, for example gang violence and crime, intimate partner violence and other forms of domestic violence, sexual violence, murder, terrorism, financial and corporate crime, cybercrime.

  • Digital Humans: The Psychology of Online Behaviour (20 credits)

Study cyberpsychology, the psychology of how humans interact with technology and online environments. Look at the online world and its impact on human behaviour. Explore how humans have adapted to a world with increasing amounts of technology: becoming digital humans in the process. Study the rise of artificial technology, and its impact on human behaviours. Consider how we interact with virtual environments, explore virtual identity, online vs. offline behaviours, and how we approach privacy and self-disclosure in an increasingly digital world.

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods (10 credits) 

Further develop your research design and data analysis skills, building on the foundations provided at Years 1 and 2. Cover advanced quantitative research design and acquire a number of advanced data analysis techniques.

  • Professional Placement (10 credits)

Enhance your employability by completing a placement with a professional organisation, possibly, but not necessarily, related to psychology. Past placements have included conducting research and analysing data for NHS trusts and private clinical organisations or working as psychology teaching and research assistants.

  • Male Psychology (10 credits)

Examine male psychology supported by the Male Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society. Find out about key psychological issues that affect men and boys, such as physical and mental health issues, grief, suicide, trauma, male stereotypes and archetypes, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and fatherhood. Learn about the impact of acknowledging and understanding sex differences for full understanding of the human condition, and how this may enable us to tailor support and interventions to men facing issues. Critically consider modern conceptualisations of masculinity such as toxic masculinity and positive masculinity.

  • Dark Personalities (10 credits)

Explore the dark side of the human mind by engaging in the psychological study of dark personality. Learn about the ‘Dark Tetrad’ traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy and sadism. Consider why men with dark personality are often attractive to women. Learn about dark personality disorders, focusing on psychopathy. Discuss ethical issues raised by psychopathy, and consider questions such as: Are psychopaths born or made? How are the brains of psychopaths different, and how does this affect how they think and feel? Why do some psychopaths commit violent crimes? Are psychopaths natural leaders? Why are psychopaths so prevalent in popular culture?

  • Memory and Life (10 credits)

Study real world issues and problems relating to memory, for example, recovered and false memories, post-traumatic stress disorder and memory, memory closure and expressive writing, childhood amnesia, pregnancy and memory, life stories and post-traumatic growth, mindfulness and memory, role of memory making in mental health after perinatal loss, simulation of future experiences and anxiety.


The School of Psychology is based in the Murray Library on City Campus, close to the city centre and a three-minute walk from the University metro station.

You’ll find a range of specialist laboratories and excellent library resources here.

Career ready

Counselling psychologists starting as a trainee can typically earn between £32,000 to £39,000 working in the NHS. Once fully qualified this can range from £40,000 to £53,000, and even go as high as £90,000 for consultant psychologist roles.

Counselling psychologists can be employed in hospitals, health care centres, prisons and community services. The role involves using psychological theory and therapeutic techniques to help clients with a range of mental health conditions and life issues such as bereavement, domestic violence, abuse, depression and psychosis.

Career options

Graduates from this course have gone onto further training and study in areas such as Occupational Therapy, Teacher Training, Social Work and Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT). Some graduates have also gone to work in fields such as addiction and mental health. 


If English is not your first language you should have at least one of the following qualifications (or equivalent) as a minimum.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

You need an overall score of 6.0, with at least 5.5 or higher in each component: reading, writing, listening and speaking. An alternative approved Secure English Language Test (SELT) will also be accepted if the applicant’s element scores are equivalent to those required for IELTS. After 6 April 2015, you must take your IELTS exams at one of the test centres listed on the UKVI website.

Pearson Test of English Academic

You need an overall score of 59 with no less than 59 in each skill.

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

You need grade C or above.

Cambridge Certification in Advanced English (CAE)

You need grade C or above.


26 January 2022 – UCAS deadline

Applications for all UCAS Undergraduate courses, except those with a 15 October deadline, should arrive at UCAS by 6pm on 26 January 2022. This is the ‘equal consideration’ deadline, which means course providers must consider all applications received by this time equally. 

25 February 2022 – UCAS Extra opens

If you’ve used all five choices, and you’re not holding any offers, you can add another choice using Extra.

19 May 2022 – University decision deadline

If you applied by 26 January and you’re still awaiting a decision from one of your choices, we have until today to decide whether we’re making you an offer. Any choices that are still outstanding after this will be made unsuccessful.

9 June 2022 – Deadline to reply to offers

If you receive all your university decisions by 19 May, you must reply to any offers by today (except if you are using Extra to find a place), otherwise they’ll be declined.

30 June 2022 – Final day to make an application to five universities

You can still apply with up to five choices until 6pm today. After this, your application will automatically be entered into Clearing. 

4 July 2022 – Final day to apply for a course in Extra 

This is the last day to add an Extra option to your 2022 application. If you don’t hold any offers after this, you will be able to add an additional choice using Clearing. 


One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request

Expenses (GBP)

Tuition (per year)



Application Fee



Program expenses

University & General Expenses


Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)




The university offers three different student residential buildings, all of which are within walking distance from the university campuses. All students that are residing in these buildings can take advantage of the free transport that the university offers. What is more, all the dorms are equipped with facilities like fridge, Shower, toilet facilities, Wi-Fi, bed Wardrobe, Washbasin and mirror, as well as car parking and bicycle storage.
The first student residence of the university is called Scotia Quay that costs up to £95.50 per week. Each room is suitable for up to 5 students. the second one is named Panns Bank costs about £77.79 a week and is also suitable for families of four. Lastly, Clanny House also costs around £77.79 per week and is suitable for couples as well as single students.

After Graduation

All the students have the opportunity to seek help from The Careers and Employability Service, a team dedicated to helping students find proper and suitable employment either during or after their education.
Students are encouraged to take on part-time vocational roles in order to gain perspective on the reality of the labor market and also earn extra cash. As a matter of fact, the university helps and guides them during this process. It helps students find part-time jobs that do not impact their studies or temporary jobs that can be done during vacations and breaks. Students also have the chance to take part in paid or unpaid internships and job placements that are related to their field of study.
The Careers and Employability Service also helps students with finding employment after graduation. They help students with the resumes, CVs, job applications and job interviews.


اطلاعات مربوط به دانشگاه ها ، مدارس یا هر مؤسسه آموزشی ممکن است در هر زمان به هر دلیلی توسط مالکین آنها تغییر کند یا بروزرسانی شود و این ممکن است با اطلاعات وب سایت مغایرت ایجاد نماید. بدینوسیله اعلام میگردد اطلاعات موجود در این وب سایت بروزترین اطلاعات موجود بوده ولی به هر نحو ممکن است مغایرتهایی با سایت های اصلی مراکز و موسسات آموزشی داشته باشد. مسیولیت بررسی نهایی اطلاعات در هر مرحله بعهده کاربر می باشد

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Psychology with Counselling BSc (Hons)

psychology, philosophy, therapy

3-Year Bachelor's Degree

The University of Sunderland in England

United Kingdom

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One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request




Application Fee



Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)