Journalism BA (Hons)

3-Year Bachelor's Degree

The total service fee for this program:

€ 499

Pre payment for this program:

€ 99

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Become the kind of journalist who can turn their hand to anything. Develop skills across the board – you’ll have news and magazine journalism at the core of your studies but you’ll be able to branch out into specialist areas from the whole of the journalism and communications spectrum. Graduate ready to meet the challenges of the industry head-on.


On BA (Hons) Journalism, you’ll learn all the essential skills of journalism, producing content for a wide range of print and online platforms. We’ll teach you how to write and research news stories and feature articles; you’ll create video and interactive content; design newspaper, web and magazine pages; and become adept in using all the latest digital storytelling tools for websites and social media. You’ll also study the development of journalism and its principles and ethics.

A key element of this course is the range of optional subjects you can take, among them modules in sports writing, fashion journalism, public relations, and investigative journalism.

Graduate with both an honours degree and the NCTJ Diploma in Journalism, the industry-recognised qualification, significantly boosting your employability.

Why us?

  • Learn from inspirational staff who have worked as senior journalists online, in print and on air
  • This course is accredited by the National Council for Training of Journalists (NCTJ). The NCTJ diploma is an essential qualification for many journalism jobs. Learn more about the benefits of studying an NCTJ-accredited course.
  • Get published from day one in the mediaHUB, our bustling multimedia newsroom
  • Our graduates now work at Sky News, The Guardian, the Daily Mirror, the BBC, Closer magazine and regional newspaper groups Trinity Mirror, JPIMedia and Newsquest

Course structure

Teaching methods include lectures, news days, seminars, workshops and group projects. All our teaching staff have worked as journalists and have strong links with regional employers and industry organisations. We also invite experienced industry professionals to carry out regular guest lectures and classes.

Assessment is split between portfolios of practical work, essays, examinations, reports and presentations.

In the first year, we will introduce you to different types of journalism and give you an understanding of Media Law and the latest digital storytelling techniques – it’s a great chance to see what kind of journalism suits you best.

During the second and third years, you’ll study topics in more depth. You’ll experience our Newsroom in action, learn how to do newspaper, web and magazine design, try your hand at video, audio and social media journalism and develop your online skills in Advanced Digital Storytelling. You’ll also undertake a shorthand course free of charge. Throughout your study you can add to your skillset with optional modules.

In your final year, you will go on a placement at any kind of journalism or communications organisation and you’ll undertake a project – a large-scale piece of journalism which will add significantly to the portfolio of work you can present to prospective employers.

Part-time study

If you study this course on a part-time basis, you will typically complete 40-80 credits in a year, rather than the 120 credits of full-time students. All modules are taught during the day time and you will be studying alongside full-time students.

Year 1 (national level 4):

Core modules:

  • Essential Media Law and Regulation (20 credits)

Learn the laws and ethical codes journalists must consider when preparing and publishing legally-safe and ethically-responsible content for print, online, broadcast and social media platforms. Explore areas including anonymity, libel, privacy, copyright, contempt of court and other statutes which affect journalistic practice and output.

  • Media Histories (20 credits)

Trace the evolution of the mass media from the advent of print journalism in the 16th century, through the establishment of the press, radio and television industries to the multi-platform digital and online technology of today.

  • Essential Journalism (20 credits)

Learn role of the journalist and the range of practical skills needed to produce news, magazine and sports content, including research, newsgathering, interviewing, copy presentation and writing style.

  • Digital Storytelling (20 credits)

Develop digital skills for an online audience such as infomaps, graphics and other non-traditional storytelling techniques.

  • Feature Writing (20 credits)

Learn to write journalism in a more creative manner, using a sense of voice and some of the techniques of creative writing to produce informative, entertaining, and occasionally provocative articles for print and online. Look at aspects of journalistic style and consider the work of great feature writers and columnists.

Optional modules (choose one) (20 credits):

Choose from a range of modules including: Essential Fashion Journalism; Online Sports Reporting; Introduction to PR Theory and Practice; Making of Popular Culture Style Icons and Subcultures; Club Journalism.

Year 2 (national level 5):

Core modules:

  • Advanced Feature Writing (20 credits)

Learn how to write in a range of feature styles. Discover how to put together a long-form article that provides background and context for a news story. Build on the review-writing skills you acquired in your first year. Experiment with first-person profiles and discover the world of B2B writing.

  • Design and Production Journalism (20 credits)

Learn industry-standard production and design skills using professional software, while experimenting with tools for print and digital platforms. Build a critical awareness of the key elements of page design, grid structures, image manipulation and graphics and their relationship with magazine, paper and digital outlets, including editing copy and taking pages from concept to delivery.

  • Essential Journalism 2 (20 credits)

Build on the principles and practice of journalistic thought and apply them to online reports in a newsroom setting. Learn how to produce stories for online platforms, edit and proof-read them, present them effectively, add interactive elements and publish them.

  • Social, Audio, Visual (40 credits)

Learn the skills needed to produce, record and edit audio and video content for use across social and web platforms. Explore the various approaches and best practices that continue to evolve in audio and video journalism. Discover how to generate awareness, engagement and conversion on social platforms, and how to build and engage audiences and communities in digital spaces.

Optional modules (choose one) (20 credits):

Choose from a range of modules including: Public Affairs Reporting; Fashion Journalism Newsdays; Fashion Styling; Practical PR Theory and Strategy; Advanced Sports Reporting; Club Journalism.

  • Shorthand (0 credits)

Learn Teeline, the system of rapid handwriting used by journalists to quickly capture the spoken word. Aim for 100 words per minute, the industry standard.

Final year (national level 6):

  • Advanced Digital Storytelling (20 credits)

Explore new and emerging digital storytelling techniques that will help your work to thrive in an online space. Build on the traditional newsgathering and newswriting techniques you have covered so far. Learn how to create immersive news journalism using a wide range of interactive techniques. Thrive in newsrooms today, and for the next decade.

  • Journalism Placement and Employability (40 credits)

Prepare for graduate employment by creating a professional employability pack. Develop advanced understanding of the commercial, organisational, marketing and publishing facets of the journalism industry through workshops and lectures. Carry out a ten-day placement at a pre-approved media organisation with learning outcomes reflected in a logbook.

  • Journalism Practical Project (40 credits)

Plan and produce a piece of original work, such as writing and designing a magazine, researching and writing a series of in-depth investigative articles, setting up a website with appropriate content, producing a TV or radio documentary or creating a magazine or current affairs programme.

Optional modules (choose one) (20 credits):

Choose from a range of modules including: Online Investigative Journalism; Popular Music Cultures; Broadcast Sports Reporting; Advanced Public Relations; Advanced Fashion Journalism Newsdays; Advanced Fashion Styling; E-Commerce; Sports News Portfolio.


The David Puttnam Media Centre is a thriving place to study and experience media. Volunteer with award winning radio station Spark Sunderland, write for one of our suite of websites or edit Spark Magazine in our mediaHUB. Get hands-on in TV and radio studios and digital editing suites. Learn from experts in this centre of excellence for training.

Entry requirements

As part of our NCTJ accreditation we will also invite you to an informal interview. We’d like to hear about you, why you’re interested in journalism, and tell you a bit more about our course and what makes us special.

Career ready

This degree prepares you for a wide range of careers in newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, public relations and new media industries. It is also highly relevant to many positions in industry, commerce and the Civil Service, as well as to jobs in the arts and voluntary sectors.

Real-world experience – right on campus

You have the opportunity to be actively involved in Spark Sunderland, the 24/7 community radio station. Spark is award-winning and consistently recognised at the Student Radio Awards, Community Radio Awards and the prestigious New York Festival Radio Awards for many years. Students are responsible for all news-gathering, programme production and advertising.

Superb industry links

Be inspired by our academics and their strong industry contacts. Our experienced academics have years of industry expertise at high levels in print, online and broadcasting, including the BBC, Daily Mirror, Grazia, Private Eye and Sky.

Meet regional and national high-profile journalists such as Kevin Maguire, Associate Editor at the Daily Mirror and Visiting Professor in Journalism at the University, and ITV News Correspondent Alastair Stewart. Both regularly visit the University along with a host of experienced journalists to give insight into the industry via masterclasses and lectures.

Broaden your horizons with inspiring trips – recently, students have enjoyed visits to Dusseldorf and to MediaCityUK.

Work placements

You will undertake a work placement module in your final year, though many of our students arrange placements across three years.

Recent BA (Hons) Journalism student placements include the Guardian, The Daily Mirror and The Daily Mail. These placements are often the first step to a dream job in journalism.

Join award winners

Our students and graduates have been making a splash, winning awards and prizes across the board:

  • BA (Hons) Journalism student Mariam Khattab won the 2020 NCTJ features category for her articles on the human rights of Muslims across the world
  • Joe Nicholson won the Sports Journalism Award in 2019 for his portfolio of work
  • Bethany Elsey, pictured, was shortlisted for Royal Television Society North East Student Award for Best Documentary
  • Alice Winney won the Royal Television Society North East Student Award for News 2017 for her story about flooding in Corbridge
  • BA (Hons) Journalism student Ryan Lim was shortlisted for Best Photographer in the National Student Publication Association (SPA) Awards 2017

If English is not your first language you should have at least one of the following qualifications (or equivalent) as a minimum.

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

You need an overall score of 6.0, with at least 5.5 or higher in each component: reading, writing, listening and speaking. An alternative approved Secure English Language Test (SELT) will also be accepted if the applicant’s element scores are equivalent to those required for IELTS. After 6 April 2015, you must take your IELTS exams at one of the test centres listed on the UKVI website.

Pearson Test of English Academic

You need an overall score of 59 with no less than 59 in each skill.

Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)

You need grade C or above.

Cambridge Certification in Advanced English (CAE)

You need grade C or above.




26 January 2022 – UCAS deadline

Applications for all UCAS Undergraduate courses, except those with a 15 October deadline, should arrive at UCAS by 6pm on 26 January 2022. This is the ‘equal consideration’ deadline, which means course providers must consider all applications received by this time equally. 

25 February 2022 – UCAS Extra opens

If you’ve used all five choices, and you’re not holding any offers, you can add another choice using Extra.

19 May 2022 – University decision deadline

If you applied by 26 January and you’re still awaiting a decision from one of your choices, we have until today to decide whether we’re making you an offer. Any choices that are still outstanding after this will be made unsuccessful.

9 June 2022 – Deadline to reply to offers

If you receive all your university decisions by 19 May, you must reply to any offers by today (except if you are using Extra to find a place), otherwise they’ll be declined.

30 June 2022 – Final day to make an application to five universities

You can still apply with up to five choices until 6pm today. After this, your application will automatically be entered into Clearing. 

4 July 2022 – Final day to apply for a course in Extra 

This is the last day to add an Extra option to your 2022 application. If you don’t hold any offers after this, you will be able to add an additional choice using Clearing. 


One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request

Expenses (GBP)

Tuition (per year)



Application Fee



Program expenses

University & General Expenses


Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)




The university offers three different student residential buildings, all of which are within walking distance from the university campuses. All students that are residing in these buildings can take advantage of the free transport that the university offers. What is more, all the dorms are equipped with facilities like fridge, Shower, toilet facilities, Wi-Fi, bed Wardrobe, Washbasin and mirror, as well as car parking and bicycle storage.
The first student residence of the university is called Scotia Quay that costs up to £95.50 per week. Each room is suitable for up to 5 students. the second one is named Panns Bank costs about £77.79 a week and is also suitable for families of four. Lastly, Clanny House also costs around £77.79 per week and is suitable for couples as well as single students.

After Graduation

All the students have the opportunity to seek help from The Careers and Employability Service, a team dedicated to helping students find proper and suitable employment either during or after their education.
Students are encouraged to take on part-time vocational roles in order to gain perspective on the reality of the labor market and also earn extra cash. As a matter of fact, the university helps and guides them during this process. It helps students find part-time jobs that do not impact their studies or temporary jobs that can be done during vacations and breaks. Students also have the chance to take part in paid or unpaid internships and job placements that are related to their field of study.
The Careers and Employability Service also helps students with finding employment after graduation. They help students with the resumes, CVs, job applications and job interviews.


اطلاعات مربوط به دانشگاه ها ، مدارس یا هر مؤسسه آموزشی ممکن است در هر زمان به هر دلیلی توسط مالکین آنها تغییر کند یا بروزرسانی شود و این ممکن است با اطلاعات وب سایت مغایرت ایجاد نماید. بدینوسیله اعلام میگردد اطلاعات موجود در این وب سایت بروزترین اطلاعات موجود بوده ولی به هر نحو ممکن است مغایرتهایی با سایت های اصلی مراکز و موسسات آموزشی داشته باشد. مسیولیت بررسی نهایی اطلاعات در هر مرحله بعهده کاربر می باشد

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1 ) If you want to check the admission conditions and programs of various universities, refer to the following link:

2 ) If you need help using our website, click on this link and watch the video guide :

3 ) You can also get a free consultation from our consultants by booking a free online consultation appointment.






Journalism BA (Hons)


3-Year Bachelor's Degree

The University of Sunderland in England

United Kingdom

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  • All information such as the name must be in accordance with the passport and the person who is a party to the agreement must sign the agreement, and if another person completes and signs the agreement or the information does not match the passport, the agreement will be invalid.
  • For applicants under the age of 18, parents or legal guardian must sign the agreement, and if the applicant under the age of 18 signs the agreement, it is considered as invalid.

One of our very suitable solutions for applicants is to provide free visa services to study in this field from a pleasant country. If you need to receive free visa services, let us know your request




Application Fee



Minimum Level of Education
Min GPA (max=100)